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Profile Bio: Who is Mary-Anne Fahey?
Mary-Anne Fahey (born 19th August 1955 as Mary-Anne Waterman) in Melbourne, is an Australian actress, comedian and writer. Fahey has has starred in and written for numerous comedy programs including The Comedy Company, Kittson Fahey, the first Australian female-only sketch comedy program, Get a Life and One Size Fits All. In her later career, Fahey is concentrating on writing and children's threatre. In May 2007, she published her first children's novel, I, Nigel Dorking: An Autobiography about a Boy with an Unusual Vocabulary, a Suit of Armour and an Unshakeable Dream, Written by That Very Boy (Nigel Dorking), Grade Six. Fahey married three times to television writer-actor Ian McFadyen, author Morris Gleitzman (1994-2011) and author Paul Jennings (2014-present).
When is Mary-Anne Fahey birthday?
How old is Mary-Anne Fahey?
Mary-Anne Fahey is currently 69 years old.
How tall is Mary-Anne Fahey?
Mary-Anne Fahey Height: Currently Not Available
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