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Profile Bio: Who is Martina Gedeck?
Martina Gedeck (born 14 September 1961) is a German actress. She came to international fame as the main character in the German films Mostly Martha and The Lives of Others.
When is Martina Gedeck birthday?
Martina Gedeck was born on September 14, 1961.
How old is Martina Gedeck?
Martina Gedeck is currently 63 years old.
How tall is Martina Gedeck?
Martina Gedeck is 5′ 9″ (1.75 m) tall.
Interesting Trivia: Did you know?
Lived together with the actor Ulrich Wildgruber until his suicide in 1999. Longtime companion of Markus Imboden. Ranked #1 in a list of "Gala" magazine searching "the most important German actress of today" 2006.
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