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Profile Bio: Who is Marietta DePrima?
Marietta DePrima is an American film and television actress, best known for playing regular character Sally Rogers on the television sitcom "The Hughleys". She's a graduate in Radio/TV/Film from Northwestern University, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
When is Marietta DePrima birthday?
How old is Marietta DePrima?
Marietta DePrima is currently 60 years old.
How tall is Marietta DePrima?
Marietta DePrima Height: Currently Not Available
Interesting Trivia: Did you know?
George & Marietta graduated from Northwestern University in 1986 with degrees from the Theater Dept. Children: Emma (b. 26 June 1995), Mae (b. September 19th 1998) and Ben (b. November 25th 2003).
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