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Profile Bio: Who is Marie-Josée Croze?
Marie-Josée Croze is a Canadian actress.
When is Marie-Josée Croze birthday?
Marie-Josée Croze was born on February 23, 1970.
How old is Marie-Josée Croze?
Marie-Josée Croze is currently 54 years old.
How tall is Marie-Josée Croze?
Marie-Josée Croze is 5′ 6¼″ (1.68 m) tall.
Interesting Trivia: Did you know?
Due to her performance in Maelstrom (2000), she was approached by George Clooney and Steven Soderbergh for the role of Rheya in Solaris (2002). Natascha McElhone got the part. Is a big fan of Hank Williams. She won both Jutra and Genie Award for her role in The Barbarian Invasions (2003) and Maelstrom (2000).
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