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Profile Bio: Who is María Socas?
María Antonia Socas Ortiz Lanús is an Argentine actress. Although active in various media in her native country, particularly telenovelas and stage, she is foremost known to international viewers for a number of mid-1980s sword and sorcery films produced by Roger Corman and Héctor Olivera, most notably as one of the title characters in John C. Broderick's The Warrior and the Sorceress.
When is María Socas birthday?
How old is María Socas?
María Socas is currently 65 years old.
How tall is María Socas?
María Socas Height: Currently Not Available
What Zodiac sign is María Socas?
María Socas zodiac sign is Leo.
Where is María Socas from?
María Socas was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina..
What is María Socas nationality?
María Socas is originally from Argentina..
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