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Profile Bio: Who is Mariana Ximenes?
Mariana Ximenes do Prado Nuzzi (São Paulo, April 26, 1981) is a Brazilian actress and producer.
When is Mariana Ximenes birthday?
How old is Mariana Ximenes?
Mariana Ximenes is currently 43 years old.
How tall is Mariana Ximenes?
Mariana Ximenes is 5′ 5″ (1.65 m) tall.
Interesting Trivia: Did you know?
Speaks German. Dyed and cut her naturally long strawberry-blonde hair black for her role as Raissa on the soap opera America (2005). Partner with the producer Pedro Buarque de Hollanda between 2001 and 2009. They lived together in Ipanema, Rio de Janeiro.
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