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Profile Bio: Who is Maria Fernanda Cândido?
Maria Fernanda Cândido (Londrina, May 21, 1974) is a Brazilian actress, presenter and former model. She began her career as a model before making her acting debut in the play Anchieta, Nossa História. Known for her emblematic characters in cinema and television, she has received numerous awards, including a Press Trophy, a Brazil Quality Award, and the Best Actress award at the Gramado Festival.
When is Maria Fernanda Cândido birthday?
How old is Maria Fernanda Cândido?
Maria Fernanda Cândido is currently 50 years old.
How tall is Maria Fernanda Cândido?
Maria Fernanda Cândido is 5′ 9¼″ (1.76 m) tall.
Interesting Trivia: Did you know?
She's graduated in occupational therapy by São Paulo University. Her first big role in Tv was Paola in the soap "Terra Nostra" (1999). She creates projects to integrate mental and physiques deficient.
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