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Profile Bio: Who is Maria Bamford?
Maria Bamford (born September 3, 1970) is an American actress and stand-up comedian. Her work has drawn critical acclaim and controversy because her humor often uses self-deprecating and dark topics, including her dysfunctional family, depression, anxiety, suicide, and mental illness. She loves pugs, and typically owns at least one senior pug at any given time.
When is Maria Bamford birthday?
Maria Bamford was born on September 03, 1970.
How old is Maria Bamford?
Maria Bamford is currently 54 years old.
How tall is Maria Bamford?
Maria Bamford is 5′ 5½″ (1.66 m) tall.
What Zodiac sign is Maria Bamford?
Maria Bamford zodiac sign is Virgo.
Where is Maria Bamford from?
Maria Bamford was born in Port Hueneme, California, USA.
What is Maria Bamford nationality?
Maria Bamford is originally from USA.
Interesting Trivia: Did you know?
Both of her parents and her sister are doctors. Is open about her history with mental illness. Before getting into comedy, she worked as an office secretary.
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