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Profile Bio: Who is Maneet Chauhan?
Maneet Chauhan (born October 27, 1976) is an Indian American chef and television personality. Previously the Executive Chef of several notable restaurants in Chicago, Nashville, and New York, she is featured as a judge on Chopped on the Food Network. She has appeared on Iron Chef America, The Next Iron Chef, as a judge on the finale of Worst Cooks in America on Food Network, Tournament of Champions, and Superchef Grudge Match.
When is Maneet Chauhan birthday?
Maneet Chauhan was born on October 27, 1976.
How old is Maneet Chauhan?
Maneet Chauhan is currently 48 years old.
How tall is Maneet Chauhan?
Maneet Chauhan Height: Currently Not Available
Interesting Trivia: Did you know?
Grew up in India. Graduate of the Culinary Institute of America. Executive chef, "Vermillion" in Chicago.
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