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Profile Bio: Who is Luise von Finckh?
Luise von Finckh made her first acting experiences at the age of 10 in the musical Les Misérables at the Theater des Westens. In 2005 she played little Cosette there. From January to July 2007, she participated in the children's and youth series Schloss Einstein as Rosi. This was followed by the cast as Lotte in the film cattle à la carte in 2010 and 2011 as Luise in the fairy tale The scored shoes. In the summer of 2012, she first played the French exchange student Claire Latour in the series Good Times, Bad Times, where she took over in the fall of 2016, the main character Jule Vogt. In 2015 she could be seen in Fack ju Göhte 2.
When is Luise von Finckh birthday?
How old is Luise von Finckh?
Luise von Finckh is currently 30 years old.
How tall is Luise von Finckh?
Luise von Finckh Height: Currently Not Available
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