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Profile Bio: Who is Lily Rose Smith?
She is best known for her work on HBO's DC Comic series Watchmen as well as playing Josie Saltzman on seasons 7 & 8 of the CW's hit series The Vampire Diaries. Lily Rose is a fraternal triplet with Tierney & Miley and started her career as an infant doing print and commercial work. She is one of 7 children. There are her sisters, Tierney & Miley as well as a younger brother named Jaxon, and 2 step-brothers and an older step-sister. Her sister, Tierney, is also an actress who played her sister Lizzie Saltzman on The Vampire Diaries.
When is Lily Rose Smith birthday?
Lily Rose Smith was born on October 23, 2010.
How old is Lily Rose Smith?
Lily Rose Smith is currently 14 years old.
How tall is Lily Rose Smith?
Lily Rose Smith is 4′ 10¼″ (1.48 m) tall.
What Zodiac sign is Lily Rose Smith?
Lily Rose Smith zodiac sign is Scorpio.
Where is Lily Rose Smith from?
Lily Rose Smith Zodiac: Currently Not Available
What is Lily Rose Smith nationality?
Lily Rose Smith Zodiac: Currently Not Available
Interesting Trivia: Did you know?
Has a photographic memory. Was born premature at 32 weeks. Name was inspired by mother's paternal grandmother's name, Rose.
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