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Profile Bio: Who is Leslie Carter?
Leslie Barbara Ashton (née Carter) (June 6, 1986 – January 31, 2012) was an American model and pop singer best known as the sister of Backstreet Boys member Nick Carter and singer Aaron Carter.
When is Leslie Carter birthday?
How old is Leslie Carter?
Leslie Carter is currently 38 years old.
How tall is Leslie Carter?
Leslie Carter is 5′ 7″ (1.70 m) tall.
Interesting Trivia: Did you know?
Gave birth to her only child at age 24, a daughter named Alyssa Jane Ashton on April 11, 2011. Child's father is her husband [now widowed], Mike Ashton. Played the piano and clarinet. She had English, German, Scottish, Swiss-German, Luxembourgish, Welsh, Irish, Scots-Irish/Northern Irish, and remote Swedish and Dutch, ancestry.
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