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Profile Bio: Who is Krister Henriksson?
Jan Krister Allan Henriksson (born 12 November 1946) is a Swedish actor. He is best known for playing Kurt Wallander in a series of television films based on the novels by Henning Mankell.
When is Krister Henriksson birthday?
Krister Henriksson was born on November 12, 1946.
How old is Krister Henriksson?
Krister Henriksson is currently 78 years old.
How tall is Krister Henriksson?
Krister Henriksson is 5′ 10¾″ (1.80 m) tall.
What Zodiac sign is Krister Henriksson?
Krister Henriksson zodiac sign is Scorpio.
Where is Krister Henriksson from?
Krister Henriksson was born in Häverö, Stockholms län, Sverige.
What is Krister Henriksson nationality?
Krister Henriksson is originally from Sverige.
Interesting Trivia: Did you know?
Signed the appeal Swedish Film Workers for Peace and Freedom in an Independent Palestine. (2001) Was awarded title "professor in acting". He is the reader in the Swedish audio book version of 'Harry Potter and the Deadly Hallows'.
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