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Profile Bio: Who is Jonas Chernick?
Jonas Chernick is a Canadian actor and screenwriter born in Winnipeg, Manitoba. He is a graduate from the University of Manitoba with a major in Film Studies and Theatre. In 2000, he relocated to Toronto, Ontario. Jonas co-wrote, produced and starred in the sci-fi comedy feature film James vs. His Future Self (2019), which won four awards at the Toronto After Dark Film Festival, and was nominated for four Canadian Screen Awards. That same year, he starred in The Prague Orgy (2019), adapted from the Philip Roth novel, had a recurring role on the CBC / Netflix hit series Workin' Moms (2017) and was a guest star on the CTV / NBC hit series Transplant (2020). He also co-wrote and co-stars in "The Burning Season."
When is Jonas Chernick birthday?
How old is Jonas Chernick?
Jonas Chernick is currently 51 years old.
How tall is Jonas Chernick?
Jonas Chernick is 6′ (1.83 m) tall.
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