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Profile Bio: Who is Jin Au-Yeung?
Jin Au-Yeung (born June 4, 1982), known professionally as MC Jin, is an American rapper, songwriter, and actor of Hakka descent. He is the first Asian American rapper to be signed to a major record label in the United States. Born in Miami, Florida, and later living in New York City, he lived in Hong Kong for several years before returning to New York in the summer of 2012.
When is Jin Au-Yeung birthday?
How old is Jin Au-Yeung?
Jin Au-Yeung is currently 42 years old.
How tall is Jin Au-Yeung?
Jin Au-Yeung is 5′ 6″ (1.68 m) tall.
Interesting Trivia: Did you know?
Won the BET "Freestyle Friday" MC Battle 7 weeks in a row, inducted to the show's "Hall of Fame". Is a professional rapper. Recorded a song for Obama's campaign in 2008 and performed it at a rally in Washington Square Park, NY.
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