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Profile Bio: Who is Jean Villepique?
Jean Villepique is originally from New Jersey and moved to the Midwest to study theater at Northwestern University following high school. She performed at the iO Chicago for many years and wrote and performed five reviews for The Second City on their stages. She has improvised at UCB in New York and LA and performs at various venues and grocery stores with Kit Pongetti as their musical duo, "The Artists," covering light rock songs you might hear in the finest elevators. Also TV and movies. She writes some too. Have a nice day. "Climbing on Rainbows" is on Spotify if you like to listen to soft rock covers
When is Jean Villepique birthday?
How old is Jean Villepique?
Jean Villepique is currently 51 years old.
How tall is Jean Villepique?
Jean Villepique Height: Currently Not Available
What Zodiac sign is Jean Villepique?
Jean Villepique zodiac sign is Aries.
Where is Jean Villepique from?
Jean Villepique was born in Bernardsville, New Jersey, USA.
What is Jean Villepique nationality?
Jean Villepique is originally from USA.
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