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Profile Bio: Who is J.C. Currais?
JC's high energy performance and edgy comedy only accentuate his larger than life persona, he's a crowd favorite! Years of hard work have paid off for JC who makes a living as a comedian - but he wants more, he wants to make it to the big time! With a stellar management team in his corner, JC landed Conan and numerous comedy show cameos but to really climb that next rung on the ladder ... JC has to make it into JFL.
When is J.C. Currais birthday?
J.C. Currais was born on October 04, 1984.
How old is J.C. Currais?
J.C. Currais is currently 40 years old.
How tall is J.C. Currais?
J.C. Currais Height: Currently Not Available
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