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Profile Bio: Who is Jay Arlen Jones?
Jay Arlen Jones (born March 8, 1954) is an American film and television actor, born in Los Angeles, California, and active since the early 1980s. His most recognized role is that of Occam, the African-American slave enlisted as a Patriot fighter by his master, in the Revolutionary War epic The Patriot (2000). After portraying Leon in Eight Legged Freaks (2001), he participated in the short film Nines and the television film The Least Among You (2009), but has not appeared onscreen since.
When is Jay Arlen Jones birthday?
How old is Jay Arlen Jones?
Jay Arlen Jones is currently 70 years old.
How tall is Jay Arlen Jones?
Jay Arlen Jones Height: Currently Not Available
What Zodiac sign is Jay Arlen Jones?
Jay Arlen Jones zodiac sign is Pisces.
Where is Jay Arlen Jones from?
Jay Arlen Jones was born in Los Angeles, California, USA.
What is Jay Arlen Jones nationality?
Jay Arlen Jones is originally from USA.
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