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Profile Bio: Who is Ivo Arakov?
Ivo Arakov was born on September 27, 1988 in Varna, Bulgaria. He is an actor, known for Kecove (2011), Pandora (2019) and Çarpisma (2018).
When is Ivo Arakov birthday?
Ivo Arakov was born on September 27, 1988.
How old is Ivo Arakov?
Ivo Arakov is currently 36 years old.
How tall is Ivo Arakov?
Ivo Arakov is 6′ (1.83 m) tall.
Interesting Trivia: Did you know?
As a student, he was offered a job as a chef. If he hadn't become an actor, he would probably be a music producer. He loves writing poems. Rejected an offer by BBC for a TV series because of his role as Mladen on the TV show "Sunny Beach".
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