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Profile Bio: Who is Gonzalo Mejía Trujillo?
Businessman from Antioquia (Medellín, 1884 - May 6, 1956). Gonzalo Mejía was a pioneer in Colombia, at the beginning of the 20th century, of very avant-garde companies and projects for his time: airlines, international aviation, airports, water gliders, cinema production and film distribution, fleets of urban cabs, roads to the Darién jungle; that is why he has been identified as the "dream maker". He did not have to amass a fortune; Luis Mejía Santamaría, his father, did it for him, actively trading with Jamaica. His other uncles, most of them unmarried and without descendants, also inherited substantial fortunes. As a result, he was able to dedicate all his time to materializing his dreams.
When is Gonzalo Mejía Trujillo birthday?
Gonzalo Mejía Trujillo was born on January 01, 1884.
How old is Gonzalo Mejía Trujillo?
Gonzalo Mejía Trujillo is currently 141 years old.
How tall is Gonzalo Mejía Trujillo?
Gonzalo Mejía Trujillo Height: Currently Not Available
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