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Profile Bio: Who is Giuliana Lojodice?
Especially renowned actress of theater and television , has shot a few films, some of them famous, however, as the sweet life of Federico Fellini , Life is Beautifulby Roberto Benigni , Out of this world of Giuseppe Piccioni , and reconciled to Rosalia Polizzi . In 2004, lends his voice to the "Dream" on tour "Catch the Dream" by Renato Zero. In life and on stage, was the girlfriend of actor Harold Tieri , after the end of her marriage to the actor and impresario Mario Chiocchio from whom he had two sons.
When is Giuliana Lojodice birthday?
How old is Giuliana Lojodice?
Giuliana Lojodice is currently 84 years old.
How tall is Giuliana Lojodice?
Giuliana Lojodice Height: Currently Not Available
Interesting Trivia: Did you know?
Mother of costume designer Sabrina Chiocchio, sister of choreographer Leda Lojodice.
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