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Profile Bio: Who is Giovanni Lombardo Radice?
Giovanni Lombardo Radice (23 September 1954–27 April 2023) was an Italian film actor. He was also known as John Morghen.
When is Giovanni Lombardo Radice birthday?
Giovanni Lombardo Radice was born on September 23, 1954.
How old is Giovanni Lombardo Radice?
Giovanni Lombardo Radice is currently 70 years old.
How tall is Giovanni Lombardo Radice?
Giovanni Lombardo Radice is 5′ 10¾″ (1.80 m) tall.
Interesting Trivia: Did you know?
Lombardo Radice died on 27 April 2023, at the age of 68, the same day as his Cannibal Apocalypse co-star Ramiro Oliveros. Often referred to as the "Perennial Victim" due to his continuing appearances in horror films where his character meets a bloody demise. Speaks fluent French.
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