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Profile Bio: Who is George Rainsford?
George Rainsford is an English actor.
When is George Rainsford birthday?
How old is George Rainsford?
George Rainsford is currently 42 years old.
How tall is George Rainsford?
George Rainsford Height: Currently Not Available
What Zodiac sign is George Rainsford?
George Rainsford zodiac sign is Leo.
Where is George Rainsford from?
George Rainsford was born in Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, England.
What is George Rainsford nationality?
George Rainsford is originally from England.
Interesting Trivia: Did you know?
Ended up in a hospital with a gashed fist and damaged tendon after accidentally punching Luke Norris during a stage fight in the Royal Shakespeare Company production Days of Significance. Attended Repton School in Repton, where he became interested in drama. Joined the National Youth Theatre in June 2003.
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