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Profile Bio: Who is George Hickenlooper?
George Hickenlooper (May 25, 1963 – October 29, 2010) was an American narrative and documentary filmmaker.
When is George Hickenlooper birthday?
How old is George Hickenlooper?
George Hickenlooper is currently 61 years old.
How tall is George Hickenlooper?
George Hickenlooper Height: Currently Not Available
Interesting Trivia: Did you know?
Was part of a Saint Louis consortium of teenage, amateur filmmakers who were called "The Splicers," that included James Gunn, Bill Boll, Tim Gallaher, Steve Goedde, and Chris Curtis. Cousin of John Hickenlooper. Frequently uses F. Joseph Schulte, his high school theater director, in bit parts (The Big Brass Ring (1999), The Low Life (1995)).
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