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Profile Bio: Who is Francesca Agostini?
Francesca Agostini was born in Pistoia in 1990, but grew up in Montecarlo and attended the Linguistic Lyceum. She trained at the Teatro Stabile of Genoa. In the TV miniseries L'Oriana she plays the student Lisa. In the TV series The pupil she plays the role of Lara Proietti. In 2019 she is the protagonist of the video clip Per due che come noi by Brunori Sas. In 2020, from 12 April, the Teatro della Tosse will re-propose The Mystery of the Tarot in streaming on the Goodmorning Genoa channel: Francesca Agostini interprets "The Stars".
When is Francesca Agostini birthday?
Francesca Agostini was born on January 01, 1990.
How old is Francesca Agostini?
Francesca Agostini is currently 35 years old.
How tall is Francesca Agostini?
Francesca Agostini Height: Currently Not Available
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