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Profile Bio: Who is Fito Páez?
Rodolfo Páez Ávalos, popularly known as Fito Páez, is an Argentine popular rock and roll pianist, lyricist, singer-songwriter and film director.
When is Fito Páez birthday?
How old is Fito Páez?
Fito Páez is currently 61 years old.
How tall is Fito Páez?
Fito Páez Height: Currently Not Available
Interesting Trivia: Did you know?
Son of Rodolfo Páez and Margarita Zulema Ávalos (she died when Fito was baby). He and Cecilia Roth adopted son Martin, born in 1999. Began a relationship with actress Cecilia Roth in 1992. They married on 23 December 1999, but separated in 2001.
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