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Profile Bio: Who is Fernando Guzzoni?
Fernando Guzzoni is a film director, screenwriter and producer. In 2008 with only 24 years he released the documentary La Colorina (2008) based on the poet Stella Díaz Varín, supported by the Fondo de Fomento Audiovisual de Chile. With this documentary he won the award for Best Film at the Trieste Film Festival and the award for Best Director at SANFIC. During 2010 Guzzoni was one of the six beneficiaries among 180 applicants for the Cannes Film Festival's Cinefondation Residence, where he obtained an important grant given by the Festival to write the script of his first feature film Carne de perro (2012) in Paris. This film was screened at the San Sebastian International Film Festival and gained international recognition by winning the Kutxa award for best film in the New Directors section among 16 countries. The film received more than 15 international awards. In 2016 he released his third feature film Jesus (2016) which was shown at the Toronto Film Festival and at the San Sebastian Festival's official competition. He won numerous awards including Best Actor at the Turin Film Festival in Italy. He is now developing his third feature film Blanquita.
When is Fernando Guzzoni birthday?
How old is Fernando Guzzoni?
Fernando Guzzoni is currently 41 years old.
How tall is Fernando Guzzoni?
Fernando Guzzoni Height: Currently Not Available
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