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Profile Bio: Who is Faye Wong?
Faye Wong is a Chinese singer-songwriter and actress, often referred to as a "diva" in Chinese-language media. Early in her career she briefly used the stage name Shirley Wong. Wikipedia
When is Faye Wong birthday?
How old is Faye Wong?
Faye Wong is currently 55 years old.
How tall is Faye Wong?
Faye Wong is 5′ 8½″ (1.74 m) tall.
Interesting Trivia: Did you know?
Is known internationally for her 1 million dollar song, "Eyes on Me". Theme to Final Fantasy 8. Some of her favorite artists include: Cranberries, Cocteau Twins, Air, Sinead O'Connor, and The Sundays. One of the biggest pop singers in Asia.
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