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Profile Bio: Who is Fábio Assunção?
Fabio Assunção Pinto (São Paulo, August 10, 1971) is a Brazilian actor and theater director, widely known for his work on TV Globo soap operas. He won several awards for his performance on television.
When is Fábio Assunção birthday?
How old is Fábio Assunção?
Fábio Assunção is currently 53 years old.
How tall is Fábio Assunção?
Fábio Assunção is 5′ 9¾″ (1.77 m) tall.
Interesting Trivia: Did you know?
Married to model and fashion producer Priscila Borgonovi. Their first son, João Assunção, was born on January 21st 2003. Daughter, Ella Felipa Tavares Assunção, was born on May 9th 2011 in São Paulo. Mother is photographer Karina Tavares. His wife Ana Verena is expecting a child.(12/04/2020).
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