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Profile Bio: Who is Fabian Passamonte?
When is Fabian Passamonte birthday?
How old is Fabian Passamonte?
Fabian Passamonte is currently 51 years old.
How tall is Fabian Passamonte?
Fabian Passamonte is 6′ (1.83 m) tall.
What Zodiac sign is Fabian Passamonte?
Fabian Passamonte zodiac sign is Cancer.
Where is Fabian Passamonte from?
Fabian Passamonte was born in Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
What is Fabian Passamonte nationality?
Fabian Passamonte is originally from Germany.
Interesting Trivia: Did you know?
Trained at Studio Teatro, Barcelona, Prof. Boris Rotenstein and Lee Strasberg Theatre Institute, New York, Robert Castle, Dan Grimaldi, Penny DuPont. Guest at the Camerimage (International Filmfestival of the Art of Cinematography), Lodz, Poland. (November 2004) Attended public screening of 'Fliehendes Land' by Friederike Jehn at Festival Hofer Internationale Filmtage. (November 2004)
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