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Profile Bio: Who is Doreen Mantle?
Doreen Mantle is a South African-born English actress who played Jean Warboys in One Foot in the Grave. She has appeared in many British television series since the 1960s, including The Duchess of Duke Street, The Wild House, Sam Saturday, Chalk, Casualty, The Bill, Doctors, Holby City and Jonathan Creek.
When is Doreen Mantle birthday?
How old is Doreen Mantle?
Doreen Mantle is currently 98 years old.
How tall is Doreen Mantle?
Doreen Mantle Height: Currently Not Available
What Zodiac sign is Doreen Mantle?
Doreen Mantle zodiac sign is Cancer.
Where is Doreen Mantle from?
Doreen Mantle was born in Johannesburg, South Africa.
What is Doreen Mantle nationality?
Doreen Mantle is originally from South Africa.
Interesting Trivia: Did you know?
Became an Associate Member of RADA. Her middle name is June, after the month in which she was born. Began her acting career alongside her day job as a social worker in South Africa before moving permanently to the UK with her husband in the mid 1950's.
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