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Profile Bio: Who is Darrell Waltrip?
When is Darrell Waltrip birthday?
Darrell Waltrip was born on February 05, 1947.
How old is Darrell Waltrip?
Darrell Waltrip is currently 77 years old.
How tall is Darrell Waltrip?
Darrell Waltrip is 6′ 1″ (1.85 m) tall.
Interesting Trivia: Did you know?
Was one of the most hated drivers in motorsports durong the 1970s, but won the most popular driver award in 1989, and 1990. 3 time Winston Cup champion. 1981, 1982 and 1985. In his early days he was always booed by the fans. One day he said "Meet me at The Big K" and we can duke it out". K-Mart later became a sponsor.
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