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Profile Bio: Who is Cody Saintgnue?
Cody Lee Saintgnue is an American actor and model. Cody has appeared on may television series such CBS's Criminal Minds and FOX's House. He also worked as a model for several years. As a newcomer, Cody won a modeling expo presented by Mike Beaty, which landed him the front cover of the competition showcase magazine. After being adopted in his early teens, he used acting as a way of positively expressing himself. Cody portrayed Brett Talbot, a Beta Werewolf and ally of the McCall Pack in MTV's Teen Wolf.
When is Cody Saintgnue birthday?
How old is Cody Saintgnue?
Cody Saintgnue is currently 31 years old.
How tall is Cody Saintgnue?
Cody Saintgnue is 6′ 2″ (1.88 m) tall.
Interesting Trivia: Did you know?
Cody was adopted at the age of 9.
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