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Profile Bio: Who is Chick Bernhard?
Chick was born into a family with showbiz roots going back several generations. His lifelong ambition was to follow in the footsteps of his stuntman grandfather Chick Yelton. He started his film career as a small child doing print work and as a paper boy on "The Jackie Gleason Show". Later Chick and his sisters hosted a local Miami children's show called "The Skipper Chuck Show". He started his professional stunt career on the pilot episode of Miami Vice, under the tutelage of iconic Stuntman/ Stunt Coordinator Paul Knuckles. He continues now working as a Stuntman and Stunt Coordinator on features and TV.
When is Chick Bernhard birthday?
How old is Chick Bernhard?
Chick Bernhard is currently 67 years old.
How tall is Chick Bernhard?
Chick Bernhard is 5′ 9″ (1.75 m) tall.
Interesting Trivia: Did you know?
Received his nickname "Chick" from 'Jackie Gleason'. Jackie knew his grandfather "Chick" but couldn't remember the little paper boy's name. So he called him "Little Chick". Has 3 children. Justin Bernhard, Brent Bernard and Caitlin Cassidy.
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