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Profile Bio: Who is Cheryl Fergison?
Cheryl Fergison is an English actress. She is known for portraying the role of Heather Trott in the BBC soap opera EastEnders a role in which she starred in from 2007 until 2012.
When is Cheryl Fergison birthday?
How old is Cheryl Fergison?
Cheryl Fergison is currently 59 years old.
How tall is Cheryl Fergison?
Cheryl Fergison Height: Currently Not Available
Interesting Trivia: Did you know?
Is best friends with her former EastEnders (1985) co-star Linda Henry. Gave birth to her 1st child at age 34, a son Alex Javed Saddiqi on 28 June 1999. Child's father is her now ex-husband, Jamshed Saddiqi. Married fiancé Yassine Al-Jermoni in his hometown of Agadir during a break from her EastEnders (1985) filming schedule with just his family and her son Alex present.
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