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Profile Bio: Who is Charles M. Huber?
When is Charles M. Huber birthday?
Charles M. Huber was born on December 03, 1956.
How old is Charles M. Huber?
Charles M. Huber is currently 68 years old.
How tall is Charles M. Huber?
Charles M. Huber is 6′ 1¼″ (1.86 m) tall.
What Zodiac sign is Charles M. Huber?
Charles M. Huber zodiac sign is Sagittarius.
Where is Charles M. Huber from?
What is Charles M. Huber nationality?
Charles M. Huber is originally from Germany.
Interesting Trivia: Did you know?
His father Jean-Pierre Faye was the nephew of author and former President Leopold Sedar Senghor from Senegal. His father belonged to the senegal ethnic group of Serer, his mother was bavarian-german. His autobiography, "Ein Niederbayer im Senegal", describes his difficult childhood as son of an African in rural Bavaria in the sixties (2004). Founded the organization "Afrika Direkt e.V.", which helps the victims of the flood disaster in Senegal (2002).
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