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Profile Bio: Who is Charles "Buddy" Rogers?
Charles "Buddy" Rogers (1904—1999), nicknamed America's Boyfriend, was an American film actor and musician. He was the husband of Silent screen star Mary Pickford for more than forty years until her death.
When is Charles "Buddy" Rogers birthday?
How old is Charles "Buddy" Rogers?
Charles "Buddy" Rogers is currently 120 years old.
How tall is Charles "Buddy" Rogers?
Charles "Buddy" Rogers is 6′ (1.83 m) tall.
Interesting Trivia: Did you know?
Paid for his grandchildren to go to school. He had two children with Mary Pickford, Ronald "Ronnie" Charles Rogers (born 1937, adopted 1943, died in 2007 from osteoporosis) and Roxanne (born 1944, adopted that same year). He became estranged from daughter Roxanne when, at age 18, she ran off to marry a man her parents did not approve of.
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