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Profile Bio: Who is Catherine Breillat?
Catherine Breillat (born 13 July 1948 in Bressuire, Deux-Sèvres) is a French filmmaker, novelist and Professor of Auteur Cinema at the European Graduate School.
When is Catherine Breillat birthday?
How old is Catherine Breillat?
Catherine Breillat is currently 76 years old.
How tall is Catherine Breillat?
Catherine Breillat Height: Currently Not Available
What Zodiac sign is Catherine Breillat?
Catherine Breillat zodiac sign is Cancer.
Where is Catherine Breillat from?
Catherine Breillat was born in Bressuire, Deux-Sèvres, Poitou-Charentes.
What is Catherine Breillat nationality?
Catherine Breillat is originally from Poitou-Charentes.
Interesting Trivia: Did you know?
Wrote her first novel "L'Homme Facile" at the age of 17, but was barred from the French system of book classification, which classified it as 18+ readership. She hails Winter Light (1963) as being the main reason why she became a director. Serves as a master teacher of film at Columbia University and the School of Visual Arts in New York for a program called "On Set With French Cinema" (Fall 2003).
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