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Profile Bio: Who is Bethenny Frankel?
When is Bethenny Frankel birthday?
Bethenny Frankel was born on November 04, 1970.
How old is Bethenny Frankel?
Bethenny Frankel is currently 54 years old.
How tall is Bethenny Frankel?
Bethenny Frankel is 5′ 5¾″ (1.67 m) tall.
What Zodiac sign is Bethenny Frankel?
Bethenny Frankel zodiac sign is Scorpio.
Where is Bethenny Frankel from?
Bethenny Frankel was born in New York City, New York, USA.
What is Bethenny Frankel nationality?
Bethenny Frankel is originally from USA.
Interesting Trivia: Did you know?
Prior to becoming a chef, she produced large-scale entertainment events for Merv Griffin Productions in Los Angeles and founded "Any Event", a company dedicated to producing high-profile celebrity events. Has a daughter, Bryn Casey Hoppy (b. May 8, 2010), with her ex-second husband Jason Hoppy. First marriage to Peter Sussman in 1996 lasted only 8 months.
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