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Profile Bio: Who is Beth Broderick?
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Elizabeth Alice "Beth" Broderick (born February 24, 1959) is an American actress and director famous for her portrayal of the character Aunt Zelda in the television sitcom Sabrina, the Teenage Witch from 1996–2003 on ABC and then the Warner Bros. network.
When is Beth Broderick birthday?
Beth Broderick was born on February 24, 1959.
How old is Beth Broderick?
Beth Broderick is currently 65 years old.
How tall is Beth Broderick?
Beth Broderick is 5′ 8″ (1.73 m) tall.
Interesting Trivia: Did you know?
Graduated high school early at age 16, and went on to study acting at the famed American Academy of Dramatic Arts in Pasadena, CA. At age 18, she moved to New York and began her professional acting career. No relation to Matthew Broderick, despite a popular misconception.
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