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Profile Bio: Who is Bernadette Lafont?
Bernadette Lafont was a French actress who appeared in more than 150 feature films. She has been considered "the face of French New Wave".
When is Bernadette Lafont birthday?
Bernadette Lafont was born on October 28, 1938.
How old is Bernadette Lafont?
Bernadette Lafont is currently 86 years old.
How tall is Bernadette Lafont?
Bernadette Lafont is 5′ 6½″ (1.69 m) tall.
Interesting Trivia: Did you know?
Husband Diourka Medveczky is a Hungarian sculptor and director. Was good friends with Anna Karina. As a friendly favour to Bernadette, Stéphane Audran had a strong input in Pauline Lafont getting cast in Cop Au Vin (1985).
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