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Profile Bio: Who is Barbara Walters?
Barbara Jill Walters was an American broadcast journalist, author, and television personality. Walters was known for hosting a variety of television programs, including Today, The View, 20/20, and the ABC Evening News.
When is Barbara Walters birthday?
Barbara Walters was born on September 25, 1929.
How old is Barbara Walters?
Barbara Walters is currently 95 years old.
How tall is Barbara Walters?
Barbara Walters is 5′ 4½″ (1.64 m) tall.
What Zodiac sign is Barbara Walters?
Barbara Walters zodiac sign is Libra.
Where is Barbara Walters from?
Barbara Walters was born in Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
What is Barbara Walters nationality?
Barbara Walters is originally from USA.
Interesting Trivia: Did you know?
She only wears one contact lens while working. With one lens she can read the teleprompter, but with two she would not be able to read her notes. Has stated that her best interview was with Katharine Hepburn, her worst was with Warren Beatty. She interviewed every U.S. president from Richard Nixon to Barack Obama. She also interviewed Donald Trump and Joe Biden before they became president.
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