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Profile Bio: Who is Atom Egoyan?
Atom Egoyan, OC is a critically acclaimed Armenian-Canadian independent film maker. His work often explores themes of alienation and isolation, featuring characters whose interactions are mediated through technology, bureaucracy or other power structures. Egoyan's films often follow non-linear plot-structures, in which events are placed out of sequence in order to elicit specific emotional reactions from the audience by withholding key information. In 2008 he received the Dan David Prize for "Creative Rendering of the Past".
When is Atom Egoyan birthday?
How old is Atom Egoyan?
Atom Egoyan is currently 64 years old.
How tall is Atom Egoyan?
Atom Egoyan is 5′ 7″ (1.70 m) tall.
Interesting Trivia: Did you know?
Atom Egoyan is a Canadian citizen of Armenian descent and lives in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Plays classical guitar. According to Egoyan his thriller Chloe (2009) had made more money than any of his previous art house films. [Toronto Star, 2010].
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