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Profile Bio: Who is Astrid Kirchherr?
Astrid Kirchherr was a German photographer and artist known for her association with the Beatles (along with her friends Klaus Voormann and Jürgen Vollmer) and her photographs of the band's original members – John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, Stuart Sutcliffe and Pete Best – during their early days in Hamburg. Kirchherr met artist Stuart Sutcliffe in the Kaiserkeller bar in Hamburg in 1960, where Sutcliffe was playing bass with the Beatles, and was later engaged to him, before his death in 1962. Although Kirchherr shot very few photographs after 1967, her early work has been exhibited in Hamburg, Bremen, London, Liverpool, New York City, Washington, D.C., Tokyo, Vienna, and at the Rock 'n' Roll Hall of Fame. She published three limited-edition books of photographs. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
When is Astrid Kirchherr birthday?
How old is Astrid Kirchherr?
Astrid Kirchherr is currently 86 years old.
How tall is Astrid Kirchherr?
Astrid Kirchherr Height: Currently Not Available
Interesting Trivia: Did you know?
Dated Stuart Sutcliffe until his untimely death (at age 21) from a brain hemorrhage. Their relationship is explored in depth in the movie Backbeat (1994). Portrayed by Sheryl Lee in Backbeat (1994).
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