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Profile Bio: Who is Ashleigh Hubbard?
Born in Toronto, Ontario, Elizabeth Ashleigh Hubbard began acting in theatre at the age of 10. She starred as Prissy Andrews in Anne of Green Gables and Gladys Herdman in The Best Christmas Pageant Ever. Ashleigh then went on to star as Cinderella in the theatrical version in Toronto, Ontario at the age of 12. Ashleigh attended University in 2001 and earned her undergraduate degree in Anthropology in 2004. Ashleigh also appeared opposite Jude Law and Forrest Whitaker in the Film, Repossession Mambo, another Universal Pictures production based on the Novel by Eric Garcia. Ms. Hubbard was also a Spokesmodel/Actress for four episodes of "Howie Do It", the NBC Series starring Howie Mandel. The series featured practical jokes in the vein of earlier shows like "Punk'd" - and once the farce was exposed, Howie Mandel appeared to deliver the show's punch line, "This is Howie Do It!" Ashleigh was then cast in the role of "Blonde" in the hit superhero film, "Kick-Ass" which grossed over $96,000,000 and was directed by Matthew Vaughn ("Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels," and co-produced by Brad Pitt. Working alongside Christopher Mintz-Plasse "Superbad" and Nicholas Cage, Hubbard filmed this role in London, England. Hubbard then landed the supporting role of "Pepper" in the 2010 Lionsgate produced Martial Art Feature Film, "Unrivaled." The film was such a success that it was chosen for various international film festivals, including the Las Vegas International Film Festival and The Reel World Film Festival in Toronto.
When is Ashleigh Hubbard birthday?
Ashleigh Hubbard was born on December 18, 1982.
How old is Ashleigh Hubbard?
Ashleigh Hubbard is currently 42 years old.
How tall is Ashleigh Hubbard?
Ashleigh Hubbard Height: Currently Not Available
What Zodiac sign is Ashleigh Hubbard?
Ashleigh Hubbard zodiac sign is Sagittarius.
Where is Ashleigh Hubbard from?
What is Ashleigh Hubbard nationality?
Ashleigh Hubbard is originally from Canada.
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