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Profile Bio: Who is Ann Widdecombe?
Ann Noreen Widdecombe is an English politician for the Brexit Party. She is a Privy Councillor and was the Conservative Party Member of Parliament for Maidstone from 1987 to 1997 and for Maidstone and The Weald from 1997 to 2010.
When is Ann Widdecombe birthday?
Ann Widdecombe was born on October 04, 1947.
How old is Ann Widdecombe?
Ann Widdecombe is currently 77 years old.
How tall is Ann Widdecombe?
Ann Widdecombe is 5′ 1½″ (1.56 m) tall.
Interesting Trivia: Did you know?
Voted the 94th worst Briton in Channel Four's poll of the 100 Worst Britons. (May 11, 2003) She changed from the Church of England to the Roman Catholic Church in protest at the Church of England's decision to ordain women priests. She decided not to stand for the Conservative Party leadership in 2001, after the resignation of William Hague, because she wouldn't be able to gather enough support from her parliamentary colleagues.
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