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Profile Bio: Who is Angela Bowie?
When is Angela Bowie birthday?
Angela Bowie was born on September 25, 1949.
How old is Angela Bowie?
Angela Bowie is currently 75 years old.
How tall is Angela Bowie?
Angela Bowie is 5′ 9″ (1.75 m) tall.
Interesting Trivia: Did you know?
Started seeing a therapist after she divorced David Bowie and he got custody of their son, Zowie. Her therapist shot himself before their second session. Her son with David Bowie was originally named Zowie Bowie, but later changed it to Joe. He's currently known as Duncan Jones. David Bowie wrote the song "The Prettiest Star" (from 'Aladdin Sane') for her. Despite rumors to the contrary, The Rolling Stones's song "Angie" was not written about her.
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