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Profile Bio: Who is Amira Casar?
Amira Casar (born 1 May 1971) is a French actress who grew up in England, Ireland, and France. She has appeared in more than 50 films since 1989.
When is Amira Casar birthday?
How old is Amira Casar?
Amira Casar is currently 53 years old.
How tall is Amira Casar?
Amira Casar is 5′ 5¾″ (1.67 m) tall.
Interesting Trivia: Did you know?
She is fluent in both English and French, has worked in German, Italian and Spanish. Daughter of Kurdish father and a Russian opera singer. She worked as a model for Chanel and the fashion designer Jean-Paul Gaultier.
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