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Profile Bio: Who is Albert Pyun?
Albert Pyun was an American film director best known for having made many low-budget B-movies and direct-to-video action films. He frequently blends kickboxing and hybrid martial arts with science fiction and dystopic or post-apocalyptic themes, which often include cyborgs. also well-known for directing the cult classics The Sword and the Sorcerer, Deceit, Cyborg and Nemesis.
When is Albert Pyun birthday?
How old is Albert Pyun?
Albert Pyun is currently 71 years old.
How tall is Albert Pyun?
Albert Pyun is 5′ 8″ (1.73 m) tall.
Interesting Trivia: Did you know?
Was approached to direct Total Recall (1990) in 1983 by the Ladd Company. Was approached to direct a remake of "The Killer" in 1994 by TriStar Pictures. Was originally attached to direct a futuristic version of Treasure Island in the late 1990s with Christopher Lambert and Tia Carrere starring. In 2014, Albert Pyun married writer and producer Cynthia Curnan. They had been relationship since 1997.
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