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Profile Bio: Who is Adamari López?
Adamari López Torres is a Puerto Rican television and stage actress. She started her career as a child actress in Puerto Rican soap operas. Eventually, she transitioned into a successful adult career.
When is Adamari López birthday?
How old is Adamari López?
Adamari López is currently 53 years old.
How tall is Adamari López?
Adamari López is 5′ 2″ (1.57 m) tall.
What Zodiac sign is Adamari López?
Adamari López zodiac sign is Taurus.
Where is Adamari López from?
Adamari López was born in Humacao, Puerto Rico.
What is Adamari López nationality?
Adamari López is originally from Puerto Rico.
Interesting Trivia: Did you know?
Was diagnosed with breast cancer in April 2005, but as of 2006 was in remission. Was named one of the 25 most beautiful people by People en Español magazine in 1999. Has a Bachelor's degree in Communications from the Sacred Heart University in San Juan, Puerto Rico.
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